Extended Holiday Episode Teaser and Announcement

Long story short, we’ve been having a lot of computer problems. The holiday episode has been delayed because of them. But as of Christmas Eve, we are on hiatus indefinitely, since Andrew’s computer has effectively stopped working.

Do we have any listeners in the Jamestown, NC area? We are looking for a cheap logic board for a iMac 27″ or something along those lines, since that is what we need. ‬

We are effectively on indefinite hiatus until further notice because we cannot afford to replace the logic board at full price nor can we afford a new computer.

If you know of anyone who has an old iMac 27″ they no longer use, or a logic board for one they would part with for cheap, PLEASE let us know.

We were so close to finishing the holiday episode but this morning, but alas, now we cannot.

Any help would be appreciated!

In the mean time, we have released an extended teaser of it, so you can hear what is to come.

Holiday Teaser and Announcement

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Extended Holiday Episode Teaser and Announcement
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